Just look at the guy remove his face from the body and look only at his head, It shows the story . His hair is almost all gone, does not matter if he was gonna lose it sooner or later at age 60 but he was only 41, His eyes are so yellow looks like butter, obvious sighns his liver was fucked up ,His skin on his face looks nasty his cheeks the collagen is just wasted away and the wrinkles look that of a 70 yr old man. The way his body pre aged out side is only the cosmetic effects visable to you and me. You would have to be a fool or just kidding your self not to relize that the steroids did a number to his organs and contributed to his death.
take a close look at his face No HUMAN NATURALLY LOOKS LIKE HIS FACE DOES AT AGE 40. imagine the conditions of his organs. wake up everyone in denial . Even if he did have a massive heartattack and was gonna have one one day everyone knows I bet even dons last thoughts before for he died during the attack were damn it that was a heavy cycle.