if people know with 100% certainty that they can vote for someone and get a nice karma hit, that screws things up too. especially when the person hitting them isnt even the one they are voting for.
and no one should have been allowed to draw attention to the thread by pming people and telling them to vote for someone, or by creating more threads saying 'vote for this person' , nor should they have been allowed to do anything that was considered intentionally campaigning for a person. let the people who see the thread decide who to vote for. if this was a campaign thread, then that would have been implied at the start, swole would have said "feel free to tell others to vote for people" but thats not how it was intended to be. obviously different people had different expectations about the rules, so it wasnt a fair contest to start with.
If someone wanted to post links outside of EF saying "Check out this ass thread" thats one thing, but if someone posts link and says "Check out this ass thread, and please vote for SweetandHot69", thats another.
truthfully he probably wasnt swayed by the pm and he voted the way he wanted to. and the fact that he doesnt post in c&c doesnt mean lestat didnt go to the juicer board to recruit votes from people who dont post here. just about everyone who posts on c&c knows who is friends with who so why would lestat have to say your a friend of his? im not picking sides im just looking at what was presented. oh and btw lestat admited to sending the pm's a few posts ago so there is no need for any further evidence.