That is only true if you know the actual MG of the HGH you are using. Like I said before, with Serostim they tell you on the bottle what the MG is. But some of the "unlabeled" (read : blue tops) that most of our community uses never has the MG listed at all. Which is probably the leading the cause for many people (including myself) saying that blue tops are much weaker than serostim on a comparative basis.
Mixed according to the instructions that come with Serostim, you will get 18ius for a total of 6mg. (they have other strengths as well). So that is 1mg per every 3ius. But what if the entire is not 6mg. But rather 4mg. Then what would 3ius equal then?
This is what throws a lot of people off simply because their HGH source claims it is 10ius per bottle. Or 100iu kit. Which realistically ain't telling me shit about what the actual content is because I am make each bottle as many ius as I want it.