hey, fat woman coming in
I think in some cases it's okay to descriminate against the obese, but only when their size impedes their ability to do their job. Really fat folks probably shouldn't be flight attendants because they couldn't fit down the aisles easily. However in MOST cases, size will not be an issue. I am fat, but I am also healthy and reasonably fit. I can leg press 275 lbs, keep my heart rate above 145bpm for 90 minutes, and pretty much any thing else your average woman could. I lift three times a week and do cardio 3-4 times. I am not sick very often, nor do I like to miss work. I am very intelligent, and provide high quality work. At my last job I got my work done three times as quickly as the other women.
Sadly, I will probably face discrimination. I may never realize it, I doubt a potential employer will ever say to me, "gosh, you're too fat for this desk job!" But I expect that I will be passed over. Fat women are not only mocked in our society, we are also invisible. I am automatically less interesting to people, I see it every day. This means networking is harder, impressing people is harder. Anything I do that might fall into fat stereotypes, is likely to be attributed to my innate nature (lazy fatty) rather than a one time incident.
Not that all this is impossible to over come. I think (hope) most people will look past my weight and give me a chance. I may have to work harder to get people's attention, but I still can. There are cases on the book, however, where the descrimination is blatant. Fat people as yet do not have much legal protection in most states. Some progress is made under disabilities law, but is obesity really a disability? Do we want to concede that as truth?
Anyways, in the case where the two employees are comepletely equal.. would you hire the fat one or the thin one? Well it's somewhat silly to argue because that is NEVER the case. Nobody is completely equal, at the very least, you jibe better with one than the other. I don't think you should hire somebody BECAUSE they are fat, but weight is also, for most professions, not a reason to NOT hire someone either.