Wow I am really liking that new routine! I would seriously do it if I didn't have my own lol! I am especially loving the 1 handed deadlifts, grip work, and weighted pullups. To be honest and I wasn't going to say anything but I think you should definitely get those weighted pullups up, with your other strength feats I think you should be doing like 90x3 or more on those. BTW, em I am loving your sig pic! I had to clikc on it before when I wasn't platinum but now jesse01 gave me a 7 day plat so I can see it full!
Also 1 handed pushupsd are a great idea, I just added those into my routien alos.
Thanks broski, its like the best routine ive ever come up with lol. Its like a push/pull but not really. What can I do for grip work if i dont have those hand crush grip things? I definetly want to get my pullups up, like you said i should be stronger in them. HOw come im not? cuz i never do them lol go figure
1 handed pushups seem like they would be a great addition, if i can do 5 right now, think about if i can do 20 with a 25lb plate on my back.