Bench: 135x5, 225x3 245x3, 295x3, 335x4
DB Incline: 70x8, 85x8, 100x8,
1225x8 PR
Stretching: YES
Running: n/a
Supps: Post cycle supps
***First day of steroids! Already down 1lb lol. I know its water. I think ill look more ripped in about 4 weeks. I still feel like im on and the ladies are still pleased
My 335 bench went from 5 reps to 4 reps but as long as I stay above 3 ill be happy. I want to start the 5x3 with these goals
bench - 335x3
squat - 385x3
deadlift - 455x3
power clean - 225x3
bb military - 215x3
Then my Summer goals before I start a football cycle will be
bench - 365x3
squat - 415x3
deadlift - 485x3
power clean - 245x3
bb military - 245x3