Looks like they already did. They have won several grammies, are critically acclaimed, play to packed houses, and have more than one plat record under their little belts.
Looks like they already did. They have won several grammies, are critically acclaimed, play to packed houses, and have more than one plat record under their little belts.
Now now HR, it seems as though some hormones are fluctuating in teh HR household. Both the grammies and the CMA's are political. They got one from the liberal side of things (grammies, i.e hollywood) as their way of supporting "bush bashing". The CMA's didn't nominate them as their way of "liberal bashing" or supporting bush. It's ALL political.
Fox is news is fair AND balanced, don't you know that?
I ordered a pizza last night and ate half a jar of banana peppers on it. OMG! I love banana peppers, especially on pizza! My mouth is watering now just thinking about it. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I ordered a pizza last night and ate half a jar of banana peppers on it. OMG! I love banana peppers, especially on pizza! My mouth is watering now just thinking about it. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I ordered a pizza last night and ate half a jar of banana peppers on it. OMG! I love banana peppers, especially on pizza! My mouth is watering now just thinking about it. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A coworker of mine just had a baby and he was saying the babys merconium smelt worse that a rotten dead body. I guess techinally it is 9 month old poop. LOL *HEAVE*
A coworker of mine just had a baby and he was saying the babys merconium smelt worse that a rotten dead body. I guess techinally it is 9 month old poop. LOL *HEAVE*
No, they are not pooping for 9 months. Sometimes when a woman is delivering, they can have poop near the end of it all. It doesn't happen in every birth. The risk is that the baby can aspirate the merconium. I hope that doesn't happen with me. I don't think I will have anyone but medical staff in the room with me, though. So, at least it won't be as embarassing.