I constantly see references to cheat meals on this board and others. Regular posters on this board, and others, tell people that the cheat meal is a good thing and will shock their body in a positive way. My belief is that people who advise this are simply attempting to justify their inability to control their own eating. If you want to do it then do it but don't advise others that it's good for you. Since when is eating processed, fatty, crappy foods a good thing?
If you're interested in shocking your body, eat a greater amount of quality foods for a meal occasionally. I haven't cheated on my diet in nearly 3 years and have made great progress. I'm not saying you should be as dedicated as I have been. Do it yourself if you want to but don't give out advice that eating highly processed foods once a week is a good thing.
If you're interested in shocking your body, eat a greater amount of quality foods for a meal occasionally. I haven't cheated on my diet in nearly 3 years and have made great progress. I'm not saying you should be as dedicated as I have been. Do it yourself if you want to but don't give out advice that eating highly processed foods once a week is a good thing.