As some of you may know Spatts, Project and Hannibal loaded up their boxes, chains and bands and headed north to teach my husband and me to train the Westside way.
First just let me say THESE PEOPLE CAN EAT!!!!
Two and a half days=
2 GALLONS OF homemade beef stew (6 # of beef)
84 eggs
2.5 loaves of whole wheat bread
2 packages bacon
8 T-bone steaks and one rib steak
2 packages oriental style frozen vegetables
5 large yams
5 red potatoes
9# ground beef
1.5 packages hamburger buns
1 large package sun chips
1 regular size Fritos
2 large cans baked beans
orange juice
2 gallons of milk
1 gallon chocolate milk (ask Hannibal if it is possible to drink a gallon of milk in ONE HOUR)
diet Dr. Pepper
Large can coffee
One meal at a restaurant downtown
and we all felt a little underfed and off schedule however we pretty much tossed the whole “clean” eating concept right out the window. I promise not to whine about how much fat I gained for at least two weeks.
Sleep is also important for those who train hard - I think we got to bed about 2am at the earliest and were all up by 6am - so in addition to eating me out of house and home they also kept me from getting my much needed beauty sleep. I did put a little makeup on before they got here on Friday but did not have the energy to care how I looked after that. When they tell you I looked like hell it is a true story.
Training....I don’t even know where to start. It will take weeks to digest all that we learned. My lats are still trying to accept the fact that they are supposed to be involved in a proper bench press and they are currently SCREAMING with every breath that I
take. My body has all kinds of little muscles in places that I never knew existed before.
I now know what it is to have your “ass pinned to the box”. My husband has three steps in and out of his truck and the last I talked to him he is pulling up in front of his stops and honking the horn so that he does not have to go up and down them.
Please don’t get the idea that we PERSONALLY did all that much this weekend - it was all pretty much light weights and learning proper form with a tad of accessory work
other than a ME bench.
Some of you may remember that I have been fighting some sort of back injury and I was pretty much convinced that squatting and deadlifting were NOT POSSIBLE and I thought Spatts was full of crap when she told me that she thought that it was. I don’t
know what happened over the course of the weekend because I squatted and I deadlifted and for the first time in weeks I am pain free.
The intensity that these folks train with and the amount of knowledge that they have is simply awe inspiring. I got to see Hannibal’s “scary face” which alone made it all worth it. I respected them before but there really aren’t words to convey what incredible people these three are on EVERY level.
To the women out there I want to say a few words about Spatts...
We see her pics and read her stats and frankly I expected some sort of amazon woman.
She must have cement for bone marrow as she certainly does not look like she weighs 190#. The only word I can think of to describe her is “dense”. A beautiful physique that I would give my eye teeth to posses and I can’t wait to see what happens when she competes either in BB or figure. The photos that she posts do not do her justice - she looks cute in the pics IMO, in person she is absolutely gorgeous, there is no other word
to describe her and her personality ....well, she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. We are so very lucky to have her on the board.
Project, Hannibal and Spatts - thank you very very much. This is going to be a great adventure and I can’t wait to see you in January.
p.s. the local paper heard that there were some powelifters in town this weekend and they called this morning as they want to do a small story on y’all - I’m absolutely serious.
As some of you may know Spatts, Project and Hannibal loaded up their boxes, chains and bands and headed north to teach my husband and me to train the Westside way.
First just let me say THESE PEOPLE CAN EAT!!!!
Two and a half days=
2 GALLONS OF homemade beef stew (6 # of beef)
84 eggs
2.5 loaves of whole wheat bread
2 packages bacon
8 T-bone steaks and one rib steak
2 packages oriental style frozen vegetables
5 large yams
5 red potatoes
9# ground beef
1.5 packages hamburger buns
1 large package sun chips
1 regular size Fritos
2 large cans baked beans
orange juice
2 gallons of milk
1 gallon chocolate milk (ask Hannibal if it is possible to drink a gallon of milk in ONE HOUR)
diet Dr. Pepper
Large can coffee
One meal at a restaurant downtown
and we all felt a little underfed and off schedule however we pretty much tossed the whole “clean” eating concept right out the window. I promise not to whine about how much fat I gained for at least two weeks.
Sleep is also important for those who train hard - I think we got to bed about 2am at the earliest and were all up by 6am - so in addition to eating me out of house and home they also kept me from getting my much needed beauty sleep. I did put a little makeup on before they got here on Friday but did not have the energy to care how I looked after that. When they tell you I looked like hell it is a true story.
Training....I don’t even know where to start. It will take weeks to digest all that we learned. My lats are still trying to accept the fact that they are supposed to be involved in a proper bench press and they are currently SCREAMING with every breath that I
take. My body has all kinds of little muscles in places that I never knew existed before.
I now know what it is to have your “ass pinned to the box”. My husband has three steps in and out of his truck and the last I talked to him he is pulling up in front of his stops and honking the horn so that he does not have to go up and down them.
Please don’t get the idea that we PERSONALLY did all that much this weekend - it was all pretty much light weights and learning proper form with a tad of accessory work
other than a ME bench.
Some of you may remember that I have been fighting some sort of back injury and I was pretty much convinced that squatting and deadlifting were NOT POSSIBLE and I thought Spatts was full of crap when she told me that she thought that it was. I don’t
know what happened over the course of the weekend because I squatted and I deadlifted and for the first time in weeks I am pain free.
The intensity that these folks train with and the amount of knowledge that they have is simply awe inspiring. I got to see Hannibal’s “scary face” which alone made it all worth it. I respected them before but there really aren’t words to convey what incredible people these three are on EVERY level.
To the women out there I want to say a few words about Spatts...
We see her pics and read her stats and frankly I expected some sort of amazon woman.
She must have cement for bone marrow as she certainly does not look like she weighs 190#. The only word I can think of to describe her is “dense”. A beautiful physique that I would give my eye teeth to posses and I can’t wait to see what happens when she competes either in BB or figure. The photos that she posts do not do her justice - she looks cute in the pics IMO, in person she is absolutely gorgeous, there is no other word
to describe her and her personality ....well, she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. We are so very lucky to have her on the board.
Project, Hannibal and Spatts - thank you very very much. This is going to be a great adventure and I can’t wait to see you in January.
p.s. the local paper heard that there were some powelifters in town this weekend and they called this morning as they want to do a small story on y’all - I’m absolutely serious.
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