Hi Ross,
It sounds like you've given things a lot of thought but I'd be willing to debate some issues.
Different gear hitting different receptors? I've always questioned that one, but I'll let the science guys chime in on that .
Up regulation of receptors? I remember Dan talking about that but even he was skeptical. Haven't heard much of that theory late and common sense makes me question it. What evidence do you have?
I've often spoke of using lower dosages because the body does continue to produce T and the less you use, the less suppression you have. Some guys think you're "shut down" no matter what. Not true. HOWEVER, I do think that if you're very suppressed and LH is next to nil, simply using a lower dose or a less androgenic compound won't be very helpful. You MAY get the HPTA to start fighting it's way back, but it's akin to tearing off a scab every time a wound heals. Yeah, maybe you'll heal eventually but it will take a VERY, VERY long time and may not happen at all. I think a little taper isn't a horrible idea but you're better off beginning full recovery sooner than prolonging the dependance on the gear.
Of course, a lot of this is contigent on the goals. Do you want to recover? Or just stay in an anabolic state?
How much of your gains have you maintained after being completely off everything for 2 months? What was your T level at that point? These are the real factors.