You have a 6-pack. I have a 6-pack. Your obese neighbor has a 6 pack. In fact, we probably all have 8 packs!
The difference is the amount of SHIT on top...FAT.
You can't target burn it. You have to clean up your diet.
There is no 6 pack rep scheme. There is no 6 pack set scheme. Don't ask how to adjust your training so that you can have one, because anyone that gives you an answer is full of shit.
This is a diet question. DIET, DIET, DIET. Because of that, 6 pack threads that don't involve questions about training to make them larger, stronger, etc...will, FROM NOW ON, be moved to the diet board.
It's not because we don't care about being lean. It's not because we are a bunch of lard asses. It's not because a cutting diet doesn't help us reach our goals. It's is because it's NOT ABOUT TRAINING. I want you to get the best possible answer to your question, and although there may be people in this forum qualified to answer it, that's what we have a diet forum for.

The difference is the amount of SHIT on top...FAT.
You can't target burn it. You have to clean up your diet.
There is no 6 pack rep scheme. There is no 6 pack set scheme. Don't ask how to adjust your training so that you can have one, because anyone that gives you an answer is full of shit.
This is a diet question. DIET, DIET, DIET. Because of that, 6 pack threads that don't involve questions about training to make them larger, stronger, etc...will, FROM NOW ON, be moved to the diet board.
It's not because we don't care about being lean. It's not because we are a bunch of lard asses. It's not because a cutting diet doesn't help us reach our goals. It's is because it's NOT ABOUT TRAINING. I want you to get the best possible answer to your question, and although there may be people in this forum qualified to answer it, that's what we have a diet forum for.