fitmedic said:10 weeks total, injected zambon.started w/ 50mg 2x/week. went to 12.5mg e36h. why did i cut back? simply put, i didnt want the sides. i tell ya though, 12.5 was perfect-for me. i got super size,definition, super ripped, gained about 15lbs lbm. could have easliy gained more but i started lifting lighter. lots of people were asking questions. EVERYTHING toned up nicely. my ass lifted almost instantly. i too got super bad acne on my back-its still there. ive been off about 3 weeks now i guess. i just had my labs done yesterday and my liver enzymes are up a bit. not over 100 on any though. does any one know if these return to normal after the cycle? im gonna post a seperate thread on this.
Nothing happened to your voice at all?
Any increased hair growth especially on upper lip?
Did you inject or drink?