I should get a bottle because if a person lose's 30lbs they gain a extra inch to their deal. And everyone one could use and extra inch and I got 30lbs to lose lol.
Why can't something come out with NO caffene in it? I enjoy my cups of coffee and 5-hr energy drinks throughout the day, not having to worry about another fat burner's caffeene content.
Because i am currently a full time student in college, studying for various DAT, MCAT and GRE exams to take for graduate school, while working out 6 x a week and trying to get ripped for a trip to cancun this summer .....and im currently very low on cash :*(
Hey guys.
Thanks for all your responses. They were all pretty good but unfortunately there is only one winner and that is.....
greatgunz21! Please PM myself or Lartinos when you get a chance.
we will be holding more contests again soon =)