Try a 95% lean beef patty on the Formean Grill. Yum!!
It's true the beef industry is now breeding leaner meat, but its still not nearly lean enough. Let's do the numbers. According to USDA figures one of the leanest beef cuts is doublebone serloin steak. A 12oz sirloin, dry-broiled and trimmed, yields 6.6oz of meat, including 1.8oz of fat. When you exclude the 107 grams of water content (57%) which has zero calories, then lean meat left is 61 grams. The fat left is 19 grams including 9 grams of saturated fat. Lean meat (protein) is 4 calories per gram, fat is 9 calories per gram. So the juicy sirloin steak words out as:
Fat -- 19 grams x 9 calories = 171 calories = 41%
( including 81 calories of saturated fat)
Protein -- 61 grams x 4 calories = 244 calories = 59%
Total 415 calories
So, being as generous as possible to the meat industry, one of the best lean cuts is still 41% total fat, 19.5% saturated fat. Thats way above the government health recommendations of 30% total fat, 10% saturated fat. Almost all other cuts of beef are even fattier.
How about turkey roll labeld "90% fat-free." Not bad you might think: only 10% fat.
Pul-e-e-e-e-e-ze! Ingredients are given by weight. The real numbers for a 100 gram (3.5oz) serving are:
Water weight --------- 70 grams ---- 0 Calories
Fat weight ---------- 10 grams ---- 90 calories
Protein weight --------- 20 grams ---- 80 calories
Total 170 calories
The actual fat content of this supposed low-fat food beloved of athletes is 90/170 colories, a whopping 53%. Thats higher fat then regular ice-cream.