plunkey was right that neither dems nor reps really want to make the necessary cuts to their constituency. I'm glad he's at least ackowledging now that we're bloated everywhere, not just on liberal area's. Maybe some sense is creeping into the republican base that they're gonna have to take some hard cracks at defense if they are to have any kind of reasoned and rationed stance to tell democrats they have to do the same. Cause right now in washington, didn't the republicans just have a vote to take defense cuts completely out of the picture? If that keeps up it's going to push americans way over to the left and just say fuck that bring every piece of military equipment back home. How on earth are we going to talk about cuts to medicare and social security, which is fine for another 20 years btw, but say military cuts are off the table? redsam is in utter disbeleif over that one.