Oooh! Awesome, Buns! I'm printing it out right now. I'm going to compare all the plans I have tomorrow during work, so I'll be all ready to go tomorrow evening. YAY!
I haven't been to the gym since Thursday, so I figured this would be a good time to switch things up. For the past month and a half I've been doing a 4 or 5 day split (depending on if I missed a workout), and I was thinking about doing full body workouts several times a week. Are there any pros/cons to doing full body workouts instead of one or two body parts a day? Of course, I want to do which ever will lead to the most results. Thanks!
I have a full body 3x per week program that is used for strength and mass if you are interested......also remember to consider total volume for any ONE workout
I have a full body 3x per week program that is used for strength and mass if you are interested......also remember to consider total volume for any ONE workout