Does it make sense to sometimes substitute beer for whatever carbs I would normally have for dinner. I figure since beer calories are all carbs its fine to have 2 or 3 instead of whatever carb i would normally have with my meal. Am i right on this?
Does it make sense to sometimes substitute beer for whatever carbs I would normally have for dinner. I figure since beer calories are all carbs its fine to have 2 or 3 instead of whatever carb i would normally have with my meal. Am i right on this?
Arnold actually was known to bring a pitcher after a day of training for cabs..not to mention 1 or 2 drinks actually has been known to help cholesterol. But I would still not do the beer..Liquid carve, sugars, and when's 1 gonna be not enough. LOL
it's not the carbs in alcohol that are the problem. its the alcohol itself. alcohol is also a macro nutrient and is hard your your body to fully digest it (7 cals per gram).. this it usually will turn directly into fat.
it's not the carbs in alcohol that are the problem. its the alcohol itself. alcohol is also a macro nutrient and is hard your your body to fully digest it (7 cals per gram).. this it usually will turn directly into fat.
It prioritizes this first when u have alcohol in ur system. So if u have food with ur alcohol, the cals from the food will have a higher chance of being stored for later and the alcohol will get utilized first. Eating and drinking alcohol (in higher qtys ) is a bad idea if ur trying to lose fat. If u are going to do it, keep them separate is my advice.
Yes, used in fatty acid synthesis, but not stored as fat or glycogen. Saying alcohol can be is saying that it has nutritional value. That is utter bullshit. Caloric value is not the same thing.
Yes, used in fatty acid synthesis, but not stored as fat or glycogen. Saying alcohol can be is saying that it has nutritional value. That is utter bullshit. Caloric value is not the same thing.