Wyst, watch it..I got me a buzz cut..lol. Different strokes for different folks..but at least they are striving for something good in their goals. How many can say that now a days? MORE POWER TO EACH ONE OF US..No matter the sport or direction! I'm sure you agree.[/B]
I do, I do agree! I've had me a buzz cut in my day as well, Vixenbabe! Hell, I shaved my head a time or two in school in my punk rock days. I actually didn't write it very well, but my point was that they ALL looked great, and it was so incredibly amazing that there were so many strong women there who had followed so many different paths to get to their amazing levels of power!
Sorry if it sounded like I was saying the opposite, or like I was dumping on the south african woman. Maybe I shoulda said diesel instead of butch? Anyhow, they were all ten times the athlete I am, and all amazing beautiful sexy inspirations.
Although I have to admit the blonde finn was my favorite eye candy in this particular case, I am always so happy to see something else, because, being japanese, there's no way on god's green earth I'm ever going to look like that, lol. I spend a fair amount of time on the web browsing for women role models whose physique I can aspire to, so this show was great for me. My latest pin up near my weights: Min Yung Kim! (drool!)