So I am using my fiance's username to ask this question: I am 27 years old, 5'3 and 115 pounds. I have been working out consistently for 2 years and have managed to go from 125 to 115. Ideally I want to be 110 and all muscle. I do alot of cardio (because I love it) I run between 3 to 5 miles 2 or 3 times a week. I take zumba twice a week and I just recently started working with weights. Heres my problem: I have fat on my stomach that I cannot seem to lose. I want my stomach to be flat and cut. I need to know how to do that. Admittedly, I do have a sweet tooth but I do not go crazy with sweets, I would say i have one sweet thing a day, whether that a couple pieces of a chocolate bar, or a small muffin (usually "healthy" like banana nut).. I do not take supplements or drink protien shakes (mostly because I don't like the taste). I want to know a proper detailed diet that will help me lose the fat on my stomach and possibly some good work out regimen that will help.
Thank you!! P.S I have my wedding/honeymoon in September and I wanna be bikini ready!
Thank you!! P.S I have my wedding/honeymoon in September and I wanna be bikini ready!