I'm looking to incorporate sprints into my training.
I started running a couple night a weeks with some friends, we were thinking about going to a track on Sundays to do some sprinting workouts. Does anyone have any tips on setting up a sprinting work out routine?
sit, sprint interval training. im guesing the track yer talking about is a standard running track. if so, get on one side and have someone time you, and spint down one whole side of the track, just the straight part. sprint back and forth with about a 1 or 2 minute rest between each sprint. have someone time each one and keep track of times. do this twice a week and your sprint times will improve, as well as your cardio endurance.
2. 3 300 yard shuttle runs, 1-1.5 min. between each one
(sprint 30 yards, touch line, sprint back, touch line, etc. until you've done it 5 times in a row)
Try working with short distance acceleration type sprints with a 3 to 1 one rest to work ratio. This means running sprints typically no longer than 10-20 yards but incorporating direction changes throughout the sprint. This forces your body to learn better balance and muscle control and to accelerate constantly. You will not only get in great shape but it will make you a shitload stronger over time in the gym.