I've been using oatmeal/oatbran as my carb source for my MRP's for years, much better than commercial MRP's and I have control over the macros. I'll also often throw in some ground flaxseeds and pop a couple fish oil capsules as I drink it.
I've been using oatmeal/oatbran as my carb source for my MRP's for years, much better than commercial MRP's and I have control over the macros. I'll also often throw in some ground flaxseeds and pop a couple fish oil capsules as I drink it.
frankly I'm half pissed I didn't try this before and half SO happy that I finally tried it!!!
I used to always just have whey powder + flax/fish oil for breakfast because it was FAST and I like to get to work as early as possible, it takes me forever to eat oatmeal for some reason because I just don't like it but this just goes down the pipe. Now I can have carbs in the morning.
I'm also trying to switch to almost whole foods (cutting out powder as such a high % of my daily protein) so I haven't figured out my "quick" breakfast protein yet... but I'm thinking a combo of a couple hard boiled eggs pre-prepared and some smoked salmon or something. those both are pretty quick eats.