Hey guys I need some advice from some of you veterans out there on diet, cardio, and workout routine. I am 26 yrs old 5'10, 175 lbs, roughly 8% BF. My goal is to put on about 5 lbs. of good lean weight and drop about 1%-2% body fat.I've been working out for about 2 years. I am working out 4-5 days a week on push pull method (chest and back, biceps and tricep ...etc.). My diet is horrible: plain oatmeal for breakfast a protein shake in betwwen breakfast and lunch, peanut butter sandwhich for lunch and usually chicken and a vegtable for dinner. I only do cardio once a week right now (30 min) but my workouts are pretty intense with very little rest between sets and I superset everything. So what would you guys suggest with the info I have given? Thanks guys.