Very interestings posts, Freeballindc I think that was a wise choice...not matter what anyone says this shit aint going to end anytime soon, even if Bush is re-elected and Iraq becomes tame in the next 2 years guess what some other member of the Axis of Evil is going to do something stupid or so we will be told and guess what, it's going to happen again. Grant it I dont know how things back in the states have been the last 9 months but unless people are extremely pissed off about things I really believe it's going to happen again. I know that even though I'm not back from this combat deployment that I'm going to be stopped from getting out even against my wishes, and yes I knew exactly what the fine print said, but what stinks is how do they expect 5600 people to do I mean grant it those probably being called up are retired brass and CSM's I doubt you will see many young NCO's, 4 yr officers, or Lower Enlisted being called up just yet.
My only complaint is how stop loss is being justified WHEN: 1st of all the forcasts for Iraq are calling for another 30k troops there, but to make up for the lack of troops they just extended tired soldiers that have been gutting it out everyday for a 1yr+ already; 2 if they are telling 10's of thousands of soldiers they can't get out then if retentions in the shitter that bad Give more bonuses, raise the pay, give Joe a reason to stay in besides "hey go get shot at everyday for a year for next to nothing pay" get more soldiers in the army and put rotations back to 6months. Also if it's justified to keep in that many in how can they only call up 5600 people come on now thats not going to do shit, 15-30k seems more realistic to the tempory increase in the size of the army since they can't recruit enough people to fill that temporary gap