If my gf gave me a handjob and some of my cum got on my hands and i did not notice it..and then soon after started to finger her....is it possible i got her pregnate? jw
If my gf gave me a handjob and some of my cum got on my hands and i did not notice it..and then soon after started to finger her....is it possible i got her pregnate? jw
Sperm are living cells. They remain healthy within a small range of temperature, moisture, molarity (content of salt and other chemicals in the moisture) and acidity. Sperm which has become totally dry, which has become immeshed into fabric, which has been exposed to destructive forces such as the enzymes in saliva, the heat, soapiness, or lack of balanced salt content in bathwater are unlikely to survive (continue to swim) for longer than minutes.
Pregnancy can occur without intercourse if sperm-rich ejaculate in deposited near the entrance to the vagina. This is a poor way to become pregnant but it has happened.
Sperm can live in a woman's body for about five to seven days.