me doing a power snatch from mid thigh -technique is not perfect but its decent.
basicly you throw the weight up with your hip drive and shrug. No arm pull, and then dip under the bar to catch it. You try and catch it just before starts to fall, so there is no extra downward force. Actually the bar should pull you up a bit.
The bar should stay very close to the body, but be careful, I have hit my nose/chin a few times
You can also do em from the floor, but technique is harder.
Grip is fairly wide, my thumbs are on the outter rings. grip is somewhat taxed.
Stand with barbell with very wide over hand grip. Bend knees and hips so barbell touches upper-thigh; shoulders over the bar with the back arched. Arms are straight with elbows pointed along the bar.
Jump upward extending the body. Shrug the shoulders and pull the barbell upward with the arms allowing the elbows to pull up to the sides, keeping them over the bar as long as possible. Aggressively pulls the body under the bar. Catch the bar at arms length while moving into the squat position. As soon as the barbell caught on the locked out arms in the squat position, squat up into standing position with barbell overhead.
Bend knees slightly and lower barbell to mid-thigh position.
Utility: Power
Mechanics: Compound
Force: Pull
Spine (Thoracic, Lumbar)
The snatch is one coordinated, continuous movement executed with speed. The grip should be wide enough to allow for a full squat with the bar at arms length overhead.