I just made the switch to a beef protein. Taste great digested super easy. No bloat no gas.
That said there is a good amount of people who consider having fast carbs from fruit sugar post workout to be equally important as the protein intake.
There is a school of thought which promotes the idea of protein being a daily requirement that needs to be consistent and in adequate measure.
While carbs are ingested at very specific times around your workout window to trigger insulin and anabolic response.
Hardly saying that this is the correct way. But if your craving fruit eat damn some fruit. Explore the research and see how you feel, see if you progress/get fat/ feel stronger/ get lethargic or whatever.
Use to box when I lived in philly, couch made us eat tuna, drink 4 raw eggs in the morning. Chicken breast in the afternoon, and 4 oranges postwork. Food for thought
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