i dont train with a uni directional goal. growth growth growth. i train to improve my lifts by cycling between all out power, stability and coordination.
your method you described equates to growth...and then plateau. merely increasing the weight doesnt blast you past plateaus. thats only one small way of changing an exercise to shock the body. there are waaaay more things out there than just change the weight, switch to dbells. etc. i see this perpetuated on here too often. using the simple phrase, "use more weight" etc.
how about:
rep tempo
rep range
unilateral movement
change direction of resistance
method of resistance
stability of platform
range of motion
hand position
foot position
not busting on you robboe, i just kindof set myself off on a rant because i hear it way too often on this board. i know you are pretty diverse in your training and wasnt questioning you, just making a point about looking outside the box once in a while.