Hey Everybody, RickO'Shea here. I'm about to undergo the most serious Physique overhaul of my life! I've been pretty much Natural my whole life but want to take my looks and performance to a whole notha level!!!
I will be starting the Shredder Stack from needtobuildmuscle.com. I say This week or next week because of trying to get all the supps, and pct protocols taken care of before I undergo this. I would like to start the day the Beast/K-drol show up, but I know it's better to have everything taken care of before you start.
First of all I need to Thank Needto for Helping me out through this whole process with all the cycle help, and advice. He's saved me a crap load of money, and saved me quite a bit of health risk. Needto is the man!, and I hope you guys will take him up on his offer of asking him for advice on anything...cause I've pretty much abused it
My thoughts were to put down my current Goals, Diet, and Workout Routine now, so I could get feedback on it, positive, or negative so I can make changes where neccessary before I start to get off on the right foot.
GOALS: I'm a Volleyball player. I'm not a bodybuilder(although I do want to be aesthetically pleasing after all of this ) or a Powerlifter. I'm a Athelete. I'm 6'2" 205lbs. With a Shitty left knee and a near Shitty right knee I can still muster a 38"vertical and run a 4.4 40. That's without training my legs in the last 8months. This is one major thing I will hit and hit hard!
I really want to hit 215 and be 5% bodyfat. Like I stated earlier I'm 205(as of this morning) and if I had to guess I would say I'm 9-10% BF. I definately want to put up the 42"Vert which I definately think is acheivable for me. Any of you Olympians are welcome to chime in on the training section As Far as what I want to look like I do have some things that are lagging. I have decent midsection. I want it to look amazing!!! I want a bigger set of traps, and Tri's those are probabaly (Besides my chicken legs) my two most undefined parts.
To acheive my goals I've Cleaned up my diet tremendously, and will be cycling the following supplements.
1-4 Beastdrol 3caps ED
1-4 Katanadrol 3caps ED
1-4 forged liver support 2 caps ED
I am Going to try to get on Needto's Forged Joint Support Throughout this entire cycle.
4-8 forged post cycle 2 caps Am daily
I will probably run SUSTAIN weeks 4-8 as well
Lipid Stable will be run throughout the whole cycle as well
I'm also running Jack3d as a pre-workout, till the new Strength Stack is available from AGX. (We all know how that's coming...)
I Will be running the other usualls as well. CLA, Daily Vitamin(Animal Pak), BCAA's, VitaminC, Glutamine, etc...
My Diet is Clean, well, I think. This is it below, and please feel free to cretique it
Today's Meals
Meal 1- 8:00am 8 egg whites 1/2 cup oats
(Workout) 9:00am Jack3d 2 scoops
Meal 2- 11:00 am 8 egg whites 2 whole eggs 1 cup oats with 1 cup milk
Meal 3- 2:30pm 2 Chicken Breasts with 2 Slices of Whole weat Toast. 1 small can of V8(stuff is gross!)
Meal 4-5:30pm Either 1 large can of turkey breast or 2 chicken Breasts, and 1 can of Peas.
Meal 5 7:00pm (Pre-Volleyball meal) 1 Turkey breast sandwhich
Meal 6 11:00pm 1 can Turkey Breast or Protein Shake.
Well there's the Diet. I know there is a lot of holes... so please fill them in! really I could use the advice...such as how to measure my BMR and TDEE cause i don't even know what TDEE means.
Workout Routine
Here is what I did Today
Warm up with Dynamic Stretching for about 10min.
Flat Bench Barbell(Please don't laugh via thread I know I'm a wuss...
Warmup 135-12reps@ 2 sets
155-10reps@1 set
185-10reps@1 set
205-8reps@ 1 set
225-7reps@ 1 set
245 4reps@ 1 set
Flat Bench Dumbell
I stopped at 75 cause that's the highest poundage we have at the rec center
Incline Barbell
Cable Fly
Numbered Stacked weights
#8-10reps @ 4sets
V-Bar Tricep Pushdowns
Numbered Stacked Weights
#12-15 reps@ 1set
#16-15 reps@ 2sets
#18-15 reps@ 2sets
French press/narrow grip bench superset
75lbsfrench press-10reps/Narrow grip bench-10 reps @4sets
Bodyweight 15reps@ 4sets
Smithmachine Shrugs
185lbs-16reps@4 sets
Dumbell Shrugs
75lbs-40 reps@2sets
There was the workout today. Just like on the diet you can definately help me improve with some positive or negative feedback all is welcome!
I will be posting the pics up on the official start day to "Officially" start the cycle. I am in the process of having a close friend do a video documentary of the whole ordeal to help everyone get a much clearer view of what someone experiences while on oral gear.
Thanks again everyone for your Ideas, concerns, and input. Happy Lifting to all!
I will be starting the Shredder Stack from needtobuildmuscle.com. I say This week or next week because of trying to get all the supps, and pct protocols taken care of before I undergo this. I would like to start the day the Beast/K-drol show up, but I know it's better to have everything taken care of before you start.
First of all I need to Thank Needto for Helping me out through this whole process with all the cycle help, and advice. He's saved me a crap load of money, and saved me quite a bit of health risk. Needto is the man!, and I hope you guys will take him up on his offer of asking him for advice on anything...cause I've pretty much abused it
My thoughts were to put down my current Goals, Diet, and Workout Routine now, so I could get feedback on it, positive, or negative so I can make changes where neccessary before I start to get off on the right foot.
GOALS: I'm a Volleyball player. I'm not a bodybuilder(although I do want to be aesthetically pleasing after all of this ) or a Powerlifter. I'm a Athelete. I'm 6'2" 205lbs. With a Shitty left knee and a near Shitty right knee I can still muster a 38"vertical and run a 4.4 40. That's without training my legs in the last 8months. This is one major thing I will hit and hit hard!
I really want to hit 215 and be 5% bodyfat. Like I stated earlier I'm 205(as of this morning) and if I had to guess I would say I'm 9-10% BF. I definately want to put up the 42"Vert which I definately think is acheivable for me. Any of you Olympians are welcome to chime in on the training section As Far as what I want to look like I do have some things that are lagging. I have decent midsection. I want it to look amazing!!! I want a bigger set of traps, and Tri's those are probabaly (Besides my chicken legs) my two most undefined parts.
To acheive my goals I've Cleaned up my diet tremendously, and will be cycling the following supplements.
1-4 Beastdrol 3caps ED
1-4 Katanadrol 3caps ED
1-4 forged liver support 2 caps ED
I am Going to try to get on Needto's Forged Joint Support Throughout this entire cycle.
4-8 forged post cycle 2 caps Am daily
I will probably run SUSTAIN weeks 4-8 as well
Lipid Stable will be run throughout the whole cycle as well
I'm also running Jack3d as a pre-workout, till the new Strength Stack is available from AGX. (We all know how that's coming...)
I Will be running the other usualls as well. CLA, Daily Vitamin(Animal Pak), BCAA's, VitaminC, Glutamine, etc...
My Diet is Clean, well, I think. This is it below, and please feel free to cretique it
Today's Meals
Meal 1- 8:00am 8 egg whites 1/2 cup oats
(Workout) 9:00am Jack3d 2 scoops
Meal 2- 11:00 am 8 egg whites 2 whole eggs 1 cup oats with 1 cup milk
Meal 3- 2:30pm 2 Chicken Breasts with 2 Slices of Whole weat Toast. 1 small can of V8(stuff is gross!)
Meal 4-5:30pm Either 1 large can of turkey breast or 2 chicken Breasts, and 1 can of Peas.
Meal 5 7:00pm (Pre-Volleyball meal) 1 Turkey breast sandwhich
Meal 6 11:00pm 1 can Turkey Breast or Protein Shake.
Well there's the Diet. I know there is a lot of holes... so please fill them in! really I could use the advice...such as how to measure my BMR and TDEE cause i don't even know what TDEE means.
Workout Routine
Here is what I did Today
Warm up with Dynamic Stretching for about 10min.
Flat Bench Barbell(Please don't laugh via thread I know I'm a wuss...
Warmup 135-12reps@ 2 sets
155-10reps@1 set
185-10reps@1 set
205-8reps@ 1 set
225-7reps@ 1 set
245 4reps@ 1 set
Flat Bench Dumbell
I stopped at 75 cause that's the highest poundage we have at the rec center
Incline Barbell
Cable Fly
Numbered Stacked weights
#8-10reps @ 4sets
V-Bar Tricep Pushdowns
Numbered Stacked Weights
#12-15 reps@ 1set
#16-15 reps@ 2sets
#18-15 reps@ 2sets
French press/narrow grip bench superset
75lbsfrench press-10reps/Narrow grip bench-10 reps @4sets
Bodyweight 15reps@ 4sets
Smithmachine Shrugs
185lbs-16reps@4 sets
Dumbell Shrugs
75lbs-40 reps@2sets
There was the workout today. Just like on the diet you can definately help me improve with some positive or negative feedback all is welcome!
I will be posting the pics up on the official start day to "Officially" start the cycle. I am in the process of having a close friend do a video documentary of the whole ordeal to help everyone get a much clearer view of what someone experiences while on oral gear.
Thanks again everyone for your Ideas, concerns, and input. Happy Lifting to all!