I've done two hookers in my life.
I normally have no weakness for hookers but I've been seduced. I said no last time. Then she put a hand on my dick. Could not say no with a boner. I think there is VERY little difference between a girl who fucks for drugs or fucks rich guys because they are rich and a hooker. The hooker just does it more. Las Vegas phone book has 104 pages of "entertainers" in the yellow pages so there are a LOT of guys that do it. I prefer sex with a g/f by 10,000% but they can be such a pain in the neck sometimes that it is occasionally tempting to just pay as you go. Oh, and to answer the Goatslayer, I care about hookers and eveybody else that has been beaten up by life. In fact last time I paid extra so that I could shower first. Noyone should have to deal with odor.