Not the one I dated that summer. I was pretty shy and reserved about sex before I went to college, but my summer fling in between HS and college corrupted the hell out of me, in a good way I don't think there's a bathroom in all of Europe we didn't hit, including those cute pay-toilets. Damn I miss dating someone, hey PLP are you single at the moment? hehe
Rule #1 - never try to pick up chicks on elite fitness. Unless you wanna find yourself tied up in someones basement with a racket ball shoved in your mouth while a 500 lb man sodomizes you.
Giantdouche... you have an evil sense of humor... and if that statement weren't frighteningly likely to be true, I'd laugh However, pretty much all of what I'll say in BTS is harmless flirtation, I'm sure none of the real women on the board will take it the wrong way, and if they, or the 500lb guy do, then I'll apologize or run away or something