New member
climate scientists are the real deal. I know a few myself, and they are legitimate academics who take their work fucking seriously. they are definitely not wealthy, and some are ubergeeks to the point of lols. Anyway, I can't argue strongly one way or the other for or against anthropogenic climate change, but you are totally wrong in questioning their integrity.
you on the other hand, deny anthropogenic climate change science without any scientific knowledge of the subject whatsoever. You do this based on pure greed, because you would prefer our government to not spend money funding the science, and of course mostly because you would rather not have costly regulations enacted on greenhouse gas emissions. You are like a smoker grandstanding against medical research that claims secondhand smoke is harmful. So really, who is the one lacking integrity in the matter: scientists doing legitimate and rigorous research on the subject, or you, who has remained deliberately ignorant on the subject yet argues strongly against climate change science because of monetary concerns? something to consider
And I can't strongly argue one way or the other for or against anthropogenic climate change either, because the science is most definitely tainted.
I just have this silly notion that we shouldn't add trillions of dollars in regulatory cost and create entirely synthetic industries (i.e. carbon credits) over something that may or may not exist. I guess that makes me one of those mean-spirited conservatives.