I will be keeping this to the point and not stating any opinions but only factual increases in performance and changes in bf and/or body weight.
Weight:241 lbs
BF est: 14-16% ( minimal ab visibility )
Big Three : Bench 305 5x5, Deadlift 405 2x5 , Squat 305 5x5
Training : EVERYTHING I can do. Despite no longer fighting Muay Thai or boxing professionally ( I have 180 fights,most of them in Thailand and SE Asia ) I've started training like I am again, so a full body workout + cardio + padwork every day. There is not much sports science behind my training but I am using this as an experiment to see how the Sarms Stack deals with me overtraining.
Cycle :
1-12 GW-501516 20 mg AM PM
1-12 s4 50 mg AM PM
1-12 LGD 4033 10 mg AM
1-12 "liquidex"
5-12 HCGenerate es
7-12 oxandrovar 2 caps a day first 3 weeks then bump to 3 caps a day
YOHIMFLAME....EVERYDAY. (love this stuff )
clomid 50/50/25/25
Test Stack 17
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
ostarine 25 mg day AM
I have a question about the liquidex dosage...I have no idea what is optimal or necessary?
Diet: Super clean eating. Organic, moderate carb,low fat,high protein.
Staples: Quinoa,Chicken,Oatmeal,Spinach,Kale,Arugula,Eggs,sprouted corn tortillas.
Calories are estimated because when I start logging and counting I get too neurotic and it affects my training and the rest of my life. Everything I eat will be clean and I will not be exceeding 2800 calories any day as I feel that is my very max for getting shredded.
Previously I have been 10% bf at 170 lbs and then went on a powerlifting spree and maybe ate a little too much bad food. Result: lifts went up and I got fat.
Thank you to Dylan,Steve,Rick and everyone else for helping me on this journey back down to having abs.
Weight:241 lbs
BF est: 14-16% ( minimal ab visibility )
Big Three : Bench 305 5x5, Deadlift 405 2x5 , Squat 305 5x5
Training : EVERYTHING I can do. Despite no longer fighting Muay Thai or boxing professionally ( I have 180 fights,most of them in Thailand and SE Asia ) I've started training like I am again, so a full body workout + cardio + padwork every day. There is not much sports science behind my training but I am using this as an experiment to see how the Sarms Stack deals with me overtraining.
Cycle :
1-12 GW-501516 20 mg AM PM
1-12 s4 50 mg AM PM
1-12 LGD 4033 10 mg AM
1-12 "liquidex"
5-12 HCGenerate es
7-12 oxandrovar 2 caps a day first 3 weeks then bump to 3 caps a day
YOHIMFLAME....EVERYDAY. (love this stuff )
clomid 50/50/25/25
Test Stack 17
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
ostarine 25 mg day AM
I have a question about the liquidex dosage...I have no idea what is optimal or necessary?
Diet: Super clean eating. Organic, moderate carb,low fat,high protein.
Staples: Quinoa,Chicken,Oatmeal,Spinach,Kale,Arugula,Eggs,sprouted corn tortillas.
Calories are estimated because when I start logging and counting I get too neurotic and it affects my training and the rest of my life. Everything I eat will be clean and I will not be exceeding 2800 calories any day as I feel that is my very max for getting shredded.
Previously I have been 10% bf at 170 lbs and then went on a powerlifting spree and maybe ate a little too much bad food. Result: lifts went up and I got fat.

Thank you to Dylan,Steve,Rick and everyone else for helping me on this journey back down to having abs.