Well. As soon as I posted my response last night, I felt kind of bad, and here is why.
I remember seeing Ryan at an Oregon meet years ago, and to me he looked kind of silly, small legs. I think this is when he was benching around 6. To me, he didn't look like he could even bench 500.
BUT, having said that, the guy has really done a lot as far as benching goes. He is young, has benched over 700 several times, and obviously has a natural talent for benching. He *could* be the one to hit 800 some day.
You have to remember something. The George Halberts, Kenny Pattersons, Chris Confessories (if you can remember that far back), bring positive attention to our sport even though they are only benchers.
I also remember Ted Arcidi (first real 700 bencher), who was fucking huge, saying he had to give up squats if he wanted his bench to move any more. He was an 800 squatter.
So, put things in perspective I guess. Sometimes, I have scorn for 1 lift lifters, especially when they can't even bench shit, but I do have respect for the ones who have roots in 3 lift lifting but gave it up to pursue records, etc.