Could not agree with madbro anymore... The fact steroids are illegal lead to people misusing them and actually probably causes more harm... The fact weed is illegal is straight ridiculous... I dont kno one kid on my campus that doesn't smoke ..
Beast, I respect you, but completely disagree about steroids. Weed should obviously be legal and it's on it's way. Shit, getting caught with an oz of weed carries less of a fine than a speeding ticket in Minnesota - I love it.
But Steroids and weed are in COMPLETELY different classes as drugs. Weed has never completely fucked someones endocrine system. Weed doesn't cause men to grow titties. It's nearly impossible to use too much weed.
Yes, with proper use and education you can minimize or completely avoid damage. But you know that 90% of the users would continue being the dumbasses that they are. You think they'll know to run caber with tren? No, they'll buy some tren and start popping nolvadex with it like it's candy, cause their friend told them to take nolvadex on cycle and he's huge.
It's hard to fuck up with weed. But you have to admit steroids require more knowledge to use properly than about every other drug out there.
For myself and everyone on this forum, it would be great if we could use and possess steroids freely. It sucks that roids carry such a harsh penalty.
Hopefully endo's and physicians become better educated on TRT and can provide more useful guidance for patients. And that is happening now. As that happens, it will become more like weed where you can use it legally with a prescription.