Robin Hood and the Sherif are enemies. If your wife fucks your enemy (or really anyone) to help you out of a jam, she's a whore. RH has every reason to kick the bitch to the curb. Every answer with him first is very negative, all the answers with her first are postive.
There's no subjective about this quiz. Its so slanted it's sideways.
Robin Hood, Little John, The Sheriff, Maid Marion
You are conventional and puritanical.
Robin Hood, Maid Marion, Little John, The Sheriff
Your philosophy of life is a sad hotchpotch of the conventions of society, your own convictions and romanticism. You are not unkind, only staid and unimaginative.
Robin Hood, Maid Marion, The Sheriff, Little John
You find it hard to accept the permissive attitudes of others, or to convince them of the validity of your own standards. You are not disposed to trust people and do not have a very happy life.
Robin Hood, The Sheriff, Little John, Maid Marion
You have a very chauvinistic and outdated outlook on life. Your values and principles are defined not by clarity of conscience but by popular beliefs.