machaveli said:it doesnt sound like she being up front with you. Is she asking what she can do in bed to help your problem? i woman that cares shouldn't get all pissed off like your describing. Drop her before you get all fucked up in the head.
Actually he said that his girlfriend was getting pissed off at him bringing up her actions in previous relationships. He never said that she was not willing to help him with the problem.
i love this girl from the first moment i seen her, might be the reasin i had a hard time getting it up and etc.., but the problem is she wont hardly let me see her naked much, always covers herself up, i know for a fact she hasn't been like this before, it just with me, she said she has never been like that with any one esle, i dont know why, i ask her about it and she get so fucking mad, becuase i know a guy she was with before me and and hey had sex in public and i tried to get hr to do that also but see wont, whats the fucking deal, this is starting to bother me. any suggestions.