MS - I can't get that link to work - it might be this machine ...
Otherwise, thanks everyone - this helps. Today I feel less stricken - some of the bloat has gone, and I'm not looking too bad. It didn't help that I had pics done on Sunday, all bloated. I've DEFINITELY put on some nice size, legs are looking thicker, arms and shoulders round and full, but the price is fat.
Valerie, I think you have a very good point - it's the sugar that messes me up so badly, so from now on - complex carbs. I'm going the rice and sweet potato and wholewheat pasta and legume route. I was thinking about it yesterday - it totally makes sense - you get full quicker on fewer cals, and you don't shoot your blood sugar through the roof. And with a large number of carbs, the insulin response should still be enough to raise leptin. AND with lots of water and ALA for the muscles to soak everything up, all should be cool.
"Everyone is different, and being deeply in touch with your body is the best way to know when
and how much to refeed.................................!"
Yes, I know - I've got a much better feel for WHEN I need them (and right now could probably go a couple of weeks or so without), but how much is another story - it's so easy to go overboard - the irrational mind takes over, ESPECIALLY if they're not PLANNED out. So from now on - PLANNING makes perfect. BB'ing has taught me how to plan everything in detail down to the last gram, so why shouldn't I do it for this?
Oh, spatts - yup - 36g fat, more than half is flax.