filet, hmm, yummy yummy
here some info -
Red meat can be healthy and full of nutrients. It comes from healthy cows. Healthy cows (like healthy humans) eat a natural, grass diet while grazing (exercising) freely in a pasture that is free of pesticides. This would be free range, grass fed, organic beef. The way a cow is fed and the life it lives determines its health. Cows that are not active and eat vegetarian grain based diets (even if it is organic grain) will be obese. In this case, the meat from these cows is not healthy for human ingestion. Meat from cows injected with growth hormone and fet non organic feed (which contains pesticides) is even less healthy for humans.
The key is the grass. This is where all the nutrients come from. Because of this, the free range, grass fed, organic beef that I mentioned earlier is packed full of nutrients. This beef has less fat, and the fat is does have is healthy, omega 3 fat. This beef also has iron, vitamin B12, several amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and conjugated linoleic acid (another good fat)."