Wow I'm stunned . . . I copied this out of my excel file as I worked it up the gram/calorie count after my bf index and estimated my lbm and it's pretty close to that. Hopefully it means I haven't lost the mindset, not exercising in a while. I also go slightly above the 75 but based on the protein number, I still get plenty so I don't feel like I'm deprived all the time.have about 140g protein, (if you're carb sensitive, 80g carbs) and 40g fat to start .
1407180g pro720left: 68775g carb30043g fat387
I appreciate the numbers from you and just so you know I don't hit the full protein count up there in a given day yet, though I do sometimes hit the fat level easier. I feel satisfied with less and have a good vit plan so I don't feel like I'm missing anything. . . . um, except the chocolate! : x
Wow, I still have a spark now, going to try and turn it to a rumble (hee hee) if I could only find a good pro sports doctor for the workup and profiling. . . still hunting though. I don't give up easily. I am just thinking if the hormones and all the other trace stuff is declined, I'd be able to shed more with the right levels, just as it was easier to lose weight when I was younger, when everything was coursing a bit faster through my veins! I also read on natural sources of phytoestrogens and progesterone but I already take like 12 supplements a day plus a multi-mineral so hopefully it will get something started. Thanks again!