I was wondering if it would be benneficial for fat loss.
My assumption is that taking the R-ala with a no carb meal before bed would, lower blood glucose very low, causing a very large release of GH as you sleep, causing extra fat loss.
Simmilarly, if you take yohimbe before you go to sleep, would it not allow the release of more fat for use as fuel, durring your nitetime catabolism?
Are either of these scenarios possible or even benneficial?
My assumption is that taking the R-ala with a no carb meal before bed would, lower blood glucose very low, causing a very large release of GH as you sleep, causing extra fat loss.
Simmilarly, if you take yohimbe before you go to sleep, would it not allow the release of more fat for use as fuel, durring your nitetime catabolism?
Are either of these scenarios possible or even benneficial?