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youngguns said:
I always laugh at this, the more muscle you build, the more efficient your body is at burning fat. I honestly would rather tell people to lift heavy and do NO cardio, than do tons of cardio and no weights.
AHHHH girls dont understand it at all, not at all....
"I dont want to get bulky"
Ok well since your test is at 0.1 mg a year, the only way your ever going to get bulky is on steroids.
"I want to tone"
Ok stop eating bagels for breakfast and french fries for lunch, lose that fat to SEE the muscle, your muscle is going to look a certain way no matter how you lift, it cant "mutate" into a certain shape.
Heavy Lifting= Growth
Dieting= Seeing the growth, simple as that.
okay but no to hurt your feelings but I came to ask the women, not the men seeing that men and woman are 2 totally different animals. Even what works for you may not work for the next person, male or female. I don't mind the bulk at all as long as it is muscle and not fat!! No one wants to build muscle under the fat.
And bagels for breakfast?? where in the hell did that come from?
I know that the more muscle you have the more your body burns fat for fuel. I have just been a little confused on HOW I should be handling the WAY I lift weights.
I do think I need more cardio, just seems like there is never enough hours in a day. I just bought a jump rope I am gonna incorporate in the mornings.