takniteasy said:
Diet is key here and you may want to try HIIT cardio 3xweek instead of every night. In my own experience, I STOPPED all cardio and focused on weight training and tweaking the eating habits. I lost bodyfat more easily than I had ever done in the past. The routine I followed was Shadow's Plan.
Sometimes restaurants saute the shrooms and onions in fat. Something to consider.
The first thing (after diet of course) that jumped out at me was cardio.
The body adjusts very quickly so you will have to continue to do more and more as your metabolism adjusts. Eventually you would have to do hours upon hours of cardio just to maintain your bf%, forget losing it.
The advice above is valid. Stop doing cardio altogether for one week. You will feel bloated and "icky" for a few days but if you can last out the week and not mentally beat yourself up, you will be glad you did.
I know what you are thinking right now. I looked at my trainer the same way (like she had three heads) when I finally broke down and hired her to help me compete for my first bodybuilding show near 10 years ago. I lifted for years. I was eating big and put on some solid muscle but I just didnt know how to strip the fat and keep my muscle.
I continued to use the principles she taught me throughout the years I competed and modeled and continue to use them to this day.
They are simple and they work. No tricks, just simple science.
Then begin doing cardio again 20/30 minutes 3 times per week, increasing as the weeks progress and your hit plateaus.
The diet advice given before is solid.
Also the KISS principle is solid as well. Fitness doesnt have to be and shouldnt be complicated. But do try to educate yourself on the basics of how different foods affect your body's metabolism. This will help you tremendously. The Netzer book is GREAT!
Also throw out the scale but go by tape measurements instead. Muscle is extremely dense and heavy in comparison to fat which takes up a whole lotta space and doesnt weigh very much. My clients' jaws would drop when I would tell them how much I weighed.
I am only 5'3" and weigh in somewhere between 125 and 130 lbs. I wear clothing size anywhere between zero and 6, children's size 12 to 14 and even wear men's pants size 33/28. It all depends on the manufacturer, cut of the clothing and the give of the fabric.