The other night i was with my boys at this strip club. Haven't been to one in a while. Well one of my close friends is a bouncer there and he always tells me about how he hooks up with all the strippers, so i had him introduce me to them. This one stripper took my breath away. by far the hottest girl i have seen in a while. amazing body, decent implants and a killer face. she looked kinda familiar though. i went up to her and told her that. well eventually we were talkin and she asked what i did for a living. now 10 mins earlier my friend told me that i gotta have a ton of money to get with her, so i lied to her. i told her i owned a gym, when in fact i work at one and i go to school. she believed me and then i realized where i know here from, MY GYM!!!! she lives in vegas now, but comes back once in a while.. she knows a lot of the people there. she is actually leaving for vegas in two days. she asks me if i could hook her up when she comes in with free day passes and shit and i said yeah. then she asks me if i wanted to get a VIP. she told me i don't have to tip her and i wouldn't have to pay anything if it was up to her, but the guy at the door takes the money so i still have to. i figured, what the hell i'll spend the $20 cuz i wanted to see her naked anyway. we go back there and she gets all wild on me. lettin me suck on her tits and pretending to titty fuck me and letting me touch her all over. well then she starts kissing my neck and ear too. i just figured this is what she does. while doing the lap dance, she says to me, "you don't own the gym.,, your dad must own it". i tell her yeah he does and then she continues. so she finishes and i go get my buddies and we leave and end of story. well not two days later she calls the gym asking for me. i'm like who da fuck is callin me?? she says, "hey what's up? it's so and so from the club on saturday. i was wondering if you'd maybe want to get together sometime" and i'm thinking to myself.... this has to be a joke...maybe she found out i was lying and i don't own the gym.. so i say yeah, then i ask her about going back to vegas and she says she is staying here one more week.... she asks me for a different number so she doesn't have to call me at the gym and i give it to her and she says she is gonna call me at 830 so we can figure something out. well she hasn't called back yet. and that was 2 days ago. i'm not sure if she was joking or if she is scared or what now. if she was serious, i don't want to miss out on this opportunity. what do you guys think??