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scorpiogirl said:Sometimes you don't feel the full "pain" of your training for 24 hours or so. I trained legs/glutes on Sunday and I REALLY feel them today.I especiall like when I lay on my stomach and my quads feel like hunks of meat on the bone....sounds strange but when you get there, you'll understand- lol
Pics, pics, pics!!!!!!!
I know I'll be more sore tomorrow than I am today. I remember going through this after my first 20 mile bike ride last summer. The day after was tight and tired, day 2 & 3 I think I could feel the blood actually flowing through them and even that hurt! Thought I was going to have to install one of those handicap bars by the commode.....

Pics will have to wait till I find a digital camera and someone to take the pics for me.

Well my daughter is mad at me again so I don't get to babysit tonite. That means I can take my time at the gym and terrorize the trainer...he's there Tue, Wed & Thur.