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M2que_66 said:ok here I go again.............hopefully I can stay on track
Monday 9/18/06
Waking temp: 96.7
weather: raining
demeanor: I'm bloated & puffy all over - even my shoes are tight.
1/2 c oatmeal w/splenda & cinnamon
48 oz coffee w/splenda & FF creamer
1 glucorell w/morning coffee before eating the oatmeal
some dumb*ss forgot the hardboiled eggs......have to see if the deli has any.
1 glucorell
1 grape applesauce cup
3 PB n cheese crackers
24 oz water
*1 tbsp Fibersure in my morning coffee (I forgot to put that down - I put this in the coffee to help move the bad stuff out

Exercise: morning break - walked to library and back - quick pace - about 4 blocks round trip.