Thanks ladies for all the well-wishes and might I say that it's nice to have IP back, Treilin is lookin hot in them dainties, I still wanna look like LV's avi, WW, Diva-Roo & Jens are still rockin & the have resumed for Dat sexy Merbeast.
mammogram is this morning, pap is tomorrow. That means my boobs will be sore and prolly bruised for the next week.
.......and guys only have to turn their head and cough
I ate my normal stuff yesterday & stayed w/in my ranges but I'll have to post the macros & yesterday's workout later. For now I'm off to showerland.
Thanks ladies for all the well-wishes and might I say that it's nice to have IP back, Treilin is lookin hot in them dainties, I still wanna look like LV's avi, WW, Diva-Roo & Jens are still rockin & the have resumed for Dat sexy Merbeast.
mammogram is this morning, pap is tomorrow. That means my boobs will be sore and prolly bruised for the next week.
.......and guys only have to turn their head and cough
I ate my normal stuff yesterday & stayed w/in my ranges but I'll have to post the macros & yesterday's workout later. For now I'm off to showerland.
Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you!! I hope that your Doc's appointments go well!! Please keep us informed and let us know how it goes!!