As I noted in the thread on calves, my genetics probably have much to do with my leg development. But I've also always trained my legs pretty hard. For much of the time I've lifted all I did for legs was 20-rep breathing squats/leg-press and some leg-curls. Use the weight at which you'd normally fail after ten reps and do 20. Each rep after 10 will be excruciating, and take as long as necessary before you attempt each one.(In some ways I prefer to do these on a leg press, as considerations of form get in the way when doing squats.)
Just for your info here's my current routine. Initial sets are fairly light warm-ups, final set is always to failure. When performing squats I go several inches below parallel, nearly ass to calves, but a little short since it is impossible for most people to keep their backs from rounding in the lowest position.
Squats 3x12,8,6-8
Stiff-legged Deadlifts 2x10,6-8
Leg Press 2x12,12-20
Lying Leg Curl 2x10,6-8
Standing Calf-Raise 2x10,3-5
Seated Calf-Raise 2x6,3-5
Oh and the fact that your thighs rub together doesn't mean you've reached your potential. Mine were like that before I started lifting.