New member
Here are the PR movie clips
Medium grip Hang PowerSnatch 120lbs x 1, 135lbs with pressout
1.5 Megs - Right click on link and save before viewing
Romanian Deadlifts onto Toes 235lbs 4x5
2.9 Megs - Right click on link and save before viewing
Power Snatches
I can't remeber exactly what I did, but mostly lots of singles/doubles in the Hang power snatch
Trying out different grip widths from clean-grip, medium grip to wide grip. A few misses too, but I set a new PR...
Medium Grip Hang PowerSnatch 120lbs x 1
It was pretty fast and clean! Tried 135lbs and amost got it, short 2-3 inches, so with a slight pressout, maybe if I was fresh I would have had 135lbs.
Not a balls to the limit PR, but the highest weight I've I've hang snatched in any grip width so far.
Medium grip width about 4 inches closer in than my normal powersnatch grip - which is normally index finger on the outter rings. I think I'll be using this grip from now on.
Full Olympic Squat- No belt
Warmup sets - 45lbsx10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3
Tempo 10X0
Complexed with jump squats, 2mins between them and then 3-4 mins rest between each complex
265x3 then Jumpsquats 40x6
275x3 then Jumpsquats 40x3 - 3rd squat rep slowed a lot
295x2 then Jumpsquats 40x3 - damn fast!
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3 - last 2 singles with 315 flew up!
225x5 - rep 2-4 with a 2 sec pause at the bottom
CleanGrip Romanian Deadlifts onto Toes in Oly Shoes
Rest 2mins
1xClean-Deadlift + 5 Romanian Deadlift onto toes 235lbs 4x5
New PR!!
Core and Remedial Work
Bulgarian Squats - Rest 2mins
+2kg Dumbells 2x10 each side
Spread eagle Reverse hypers (on hyper bench)
Tempo 2211
BW 2x15
Medium grip Hang PowerSnatch 120lbs x 1, 135lbs with pressout
1.5 Megs - Right click on link and save before viewing
Romanian Deadlifts onto Toes 235lbs 4x5
2.9 Megs - Right click on link and save before viewing
Power Snatches
I can't remeber exactly what I did, but mostly lots of singles/doubles in the Hang power snatch
Trying out different grip widths from clean-grip, medium grip to wide grip. A few misses too, but I set a new PR...
Medium Grip Hang PowerSnatch 120lbs x 1
It was pretty fast and clean! Tried 135lbs and amost got it, short 2-3 inches, so with a slight pressout, maybe if I was fresh I would have had 135lbs.
Not a balls to the limit PR, but the highest weight I've I've hang snatched in any grip width so far.
Medium grip width about 4 inches closer in than my normal powersnatch grip - which is normally index finger on the outter rings. I think I'll be using this grip from now on.
Full Olympic Squat- No belt
Warmup sets - 45lbsx10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3
Tempo 10X0
Complexed with jump squats, 2mins between them and then 3-4 mins rest between each complex
265x3 then Jumpsquats 40x6
275x3 then Jumpsquats 40x3 - 3rd squat rep slowed a lot
295x2 then Jumpsquats 40x3 - damn fast!
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3
315x1 then Jumpsquats 40x3 - last 2 singles with 315 flew up!
225x5 - rep 2-4 with a 2 sec pause at the bottom
CleanGrip Romanian Deadlifts onto Toes in Oly Shoes
Rest 2mins
1xClean-Deadlift + 5 Romanian Deadlift onto toes 235lbs 4x5
New PR!!
Core and Remedial Work
Bulgarian Squats - Rest 2mins
+2kg Dumbells 2x10 each side
Spread eagle Reverse hypers (on hyper bench)
Tempo 2211
BW 2x15