Iam about to buy a few buckets of protein shakes. I have been drinking zero carb isopure 7.5lbs pails for years and I was thinking of making a switch to Protein Factory Mega Whey 10lbs Pail. The seem to be more economical but they do have less vitamins. But since I take upto 4 multivitamins daily I should be covered in that department.
Who has tried Protein Factory's Mega Whey and how does it taste? Has anyone compared it to isopure?
Iam getting ready for my november cycle so Iam getting all my protein shakes, vitamins, and liver detox in order.
AIFM throughout
1-6 30/day Dianabol - methandrostenolone -
1-14 640test/430Deca
11-16 Winstrol - stanozolol 50/day
15-16 500test
PCT - post cycle therapy - - post cycle therapy - -HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - - human chorionic gonadotropin - , clomid and AIFM