New member
Lestat said:
I doubt the burea of prisons would report accurate stats even if they had them.
They don't have a choice. If someone tried to screw with the numbers somebody would blow the whistle. Besides, incidents of sexual assualt are pretty much a constant number per 100,000 inmates regardless of the facility.
Fights are common in prison. Getting your head cracked open with a pipe or getting stabbed is common. Getting raped isn't all that common. Prison rape does happen, but not remotely with the frequency that people are led to believe by the media.
You are much more likely to get your teeth stomped out with a size 12 shoe and then get kicked in the head 20 times than you are to be raped. (Not that this may be a preferable alternative to most of you.)
Sorry, guys, but the world doesn't want your cute little white butts as much as some of you think.